Dr. Xiaofeng Nie is Associate Professor of Industrial Distribution at the College of Engineering of Texas A&M University. He received the B.E. degree in civil engineering from the Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, in 2000, the M.Phil. degree in systems engineering and engineering management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in operations research from the University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA, in 2008.
He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, and was an Assistant Professor with the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. His current research interests include security, risk management, and optimization in transportation, logistics, and supply chains. His publications have appeared in journals such as Annals of Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Risk Analysis, and Socio-Economic Planning Sciences.